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Unscramble Scrabble game

July 20, 2012

Scrabble is one of the most popular games for people of all age from the entire world. Word scrambling can be very fun, but you can become a better player if you learn the techniques to unscramble scrabble. Sometimes a proper word jumps out in your mind, but often that seems to be a little difficult. If you learn how to unscramble words easily, you will be able to figure out your game in Scrabble and become the master in your group of players. It’s all about practice, so keep playing until you become the greatest. The first useful tip for you is to try finding common combinations of letters, such as “sh”, “th” and “ly”. Once you notice two letters which look like they might go together in a word, place them side by side and arrange the rest of your letters around those two in order to form a word. The vowels are also very important to consider when you are playing Scrabble and you should always count their number, as well as the number of the consonants. If you notice that the vowels are more in number than the consonants, your word is very likely to begin with a vowel. Try to arrange the letters differently, placing each of the vowels at the beginning of the word and do that until you think of a word that will make sense. If the consonants outnumber the vowels, you should try placing each of the vowels in the second position and position each consonant before the vowel, one at a time, in order to see if you can get a letter combination that will be valid. If you achieve that, simply continue to adjust the rest of the letters until you find an appropriate word.

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